Monday, June 22, 2009

Here we go . . .

Hi everybody,

This is my first experience with blogging, but what better environment to learn than the safe and supportive environment we found in Jodi's inaugural Advance Novel Writing class?

I thought this might be a fun and easy way for all of us to keep in touch -- to keep up with each other's successes and to support each other through our challenges.

I'm curious to know how each of you have done with your writing goals since returning home from the academy? As we discussed in class, we all have things (excuses?) that pull us away from our writing time, and I'll be the first to admit, I've already succumb to them -- remodeling the barn, pulling weeds in the garden, catching up on stuff that didn't get done while I was gone, emails, Facebook, petting the dog . . . jeez, the list never ends.

I was sooo motivated when I returned from Canyon, and for the first day, I did manage to get some new writing done. So, my question is, how are you all keeping the motivation going?

Well, I'll keep this short. Just wanted to check in. Now I need to figure out how to invite you all to this blog!

Take care, and get writing!



  1. Hi Yall,

    I'm planning on atending the Texas Agents and Editors forum this weekend in austin. ann

  2. At the beginning of this year, I was completely stalled creatively and Jodi gave me the best advice: "Commit to writing three times a week for a half hour. Creativity is muscle and the more you exercise it the more you can do." I did that for about two months...then I went to a half hour a day to an hour a day PAINLESSLY. I ended up having a great deal of free time when the show I was working on got cancelled - and by the time that happened, my creative muscles were "in shape", and I wrote four hours a day with no problem! So I highly recommend this approach!

  3. I have been writing fairly steadily (please ignore the 'ly' words). Last night at my critique group, with their unfailing help, we hacked out two teeny tiny paragraphs that could serve as an elevator pitch. That said, I will trudge on........

  4. Hi Everyone!

    Jan, great idea. Thanks for taking the time to set this up. I've committed to writing every day. Some days I get in a much as four hours and it is great.

    I've adapted a technique from quilting in my writing routine. When making a quilt, experts suggest stopping in mid-seam. That way you are never lost when you start the project again. So, when I'm writing, I stop in mid-sentence. No way to have writer's block then. You're already set for success. It's interesting to see how the end of the sentence changes when you come back to it. It's been known to take the story in a whole new direction.

    Thanks again, Jan!

  5. All y'all - hello!

    Jan, thank for setting this up for us!
    Patty- love the writing tip. This is a great place to share tips!

    How about a goal group? We can post our writing goals-SMART- and how we will reward ourselves for accomplishment. Romney had suggested a weekly $10 reward, to be put away to pay for our tuition for next year's class.

    I'll start- Longer term: My goal is to submit to one contest a month and publication until the end of the year. Shorter term: Finish writing the novel I'm working on by the end of July. Reward: For now, will put $10 a week aside to pay for next year.

  6. I love these tips! Patty, I stopped in mid-sentence last night before I went to bed, and I was actually excited to get up and finish this scene this morning!

    And Linda, excellent idea about the goal to submit to one contest per month. Our writing critique group at has a calendar of contests that might help any of you setting that as a goal.

    Okay, here's my goal, and it's a baby-step, but hopefully it will take me to giant leaps: Just SIT down to write two sentences each day. Like Celia said of Jodi's advice, it's like a muscle I need to develop.

    Here's to building writing muscles!

  7. I finally understood how to get on this blog. I will be ready to send by manuscript to an agent in a couple of weeks. Wish me luck.

  8. Good luck, Barbara! Be sure to keep us posted about news from the agent.

    Any other news from anyone? Submissions? Publications? Contests?
